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first , solving equations 

equations are solved with a math engine written in 16 days in c# programming language 


speed : 15 milly second (0.015 second) for a equation of 100 char lenght.


supported functions :open calculator included in the program to see them.


supportes radian and degress system.


supportes number as big as '1E+38' (10^38) (100000000000000000000000000000000000000)

 Generate model out of points





Conect points to create polygons


connect the right vectors to each other to create polygens



Fill polygons with colors


fill polygens with colors but this create 2D model

Detect how much light each polygon should recieve


lighting is the most important part of the program a lighting engine had been built in 3 monthes using vectors algebra and trigonometry


in breif light contanis of (diffuse ,specular and ambitant )


diffuse is the normal light depends on the cos of the angle between the perpendicular vector of the polygon and the light source vector 


getting the perpendicular vector depends on dot product and cross product 


specular depends on the direction of the reflected vector up to power of 100


geeting reflected vector depends on the cross product of the eye vector  which is clculated by relfecting light soucre on x axis 


for more help see this fron wikipedia it helps me alot

 rendering to beacome 3D model


Ambient                +                Diffuse              +           Specular                  =             3D Model


Texture to became real live model


Finally  Customize , locate ,size and add models to create 3d world

Try 'Konk 3D Equation render'  now and bulid your own model

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